Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents in North Carolina are among the most common causes of serious personal injury. Countless personal injury claims are filed on behalf of those injured in car accidents, and if you are an injured person seeking damages – or if you are being sued for injuries someone else sustained in a motor vehicle accident – you need experienced legal help. The Pinto Coates Kyre & Bowers firm has filed claims on behalf of injured motorists, and has defended parties facing auto accident lawsuits. Because we have handled both sides of these cases, we are familiar with many of the challenges you will face in a car accident claim, and we recognize which issues are most likely to affect the success of your action. It is particularly important to have a thorough knowledge of the relevant liability and insurance laws – and we know how to apply them to each client’s unique situation.

In addition to legal knowledge and solid experience, adept negotiation skills are needed to achieve a successful resolution for any client in a motor vehicle accident case, be they plaintiff or defendant. Our attorneys have handled claims in state and federal courts, as well as in mediations and arbitrations. Having worked with clients on both sides of the courtroom, we are prepared and equipped to handle any motor vehicle accident case – and we leverage our knowledge to help our clients successfully resolve their legal matters.